petek, 1. februar 2013

Zeleno, belo, rumeno - foto album

Brrr ... hladno jutro. Pravzaprav še noč, saj sem jaz bolj nočno jutranja ptica. Ampak dan se spet segrel, nam prinesel padavine. Še prej pa .....
Majhen "cvetoč vrtiček" na ogled. Potem pa naj ga zalijejo dežne kaplje.
 Mislim, da je minilo kar nekaj let, ko sem zadnjič delala okrogel album. Tokrat sem se sicer odločila za polkrog, ampak ko listamo med stranmi, seveda nastaja krog.
Sarah Hurley challenge blog -Anything but a card
Celebrate the Ooccasion - Green, White and one other color of your choice!
Dutch Dare Card challenges - Tic tac toe: bright colors,  flowers, pearls
Craft my life - Challenge 3
Crafty Creations Challenges - Anyting but a card
Sedaj pa lovit današnji dan, preden se odloči prebegnit v soboto.

12 komentarjev:

  1. Tole je pa prelepo, komaj čakam rožice in metuljčke. Pravo pomlad si pričarala s svojim čudovitim albumom.

  2. Cute, thanks for playing @ CTO!

  3. Fantastic project, I can feel the spring! Thank you for joining us at the Celebrate the Occasion challenge and hope to see you back again.
    Please join also our blog hop & win some blog candy!
    Anna xxx

  4. This is gorgeous.I love the flowers.Thanks for joining us at Sarah Hurley's Challenge Blog.

  5. You can feel the spring in your card. He is beautiful. thanks for sharing at the challenge of Dutch Dare Card challenge, Marijke.

  6. Beautiful!!! Very creative :)
    Thanks for joining us at CTO this week!!!!!

  7. What a great album, I love the shape with all your dimension and details! Thank you for sharing your creation at CTO for our "Green, white and one other color" challenge :)

  8. Amazing album! Great colours and details! Thank you for joining DDCC! Lilia DT

  9. Lovely album, thanks for joining us over at Sarah Hurley this month.
    C xx

  10. Ooh really pretty :-) Thank you so much for joining my All Crafts Challenge, hope to see you enter the new challenge starting tomorrow! Elaine-xxx-

  11. I am back with my Sarah Hurley DT hat on! ;-) Its a gorgeous project :-) Thank you for joining us at Sarah Hurley Challenges this time! Elaine DT -xxx- p.s I have candy if you would like to pop by and enter :-)


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